The 10^136-1 quantum information spaces in the electron clouds of the elementary
H-atoms of the cosmos are parallel cosmos, which are like the cosmos in which we live in. There are stars, galaxies and the same rules for physics as for our cosmos. Totally, with our cosmos,
there are 10^136 cosmos. From our standpoint in this cosmos we see the length of a meter as a certain distance, which is the distance that the light passes in 1/c seconds, where c is 299792458
m/s. This i call 1-meter-singularity. If we would travel towards the fourth space dimension we would reach the 1-meter-singularity out of the perspective of the parallel cosmos. Out of our
perspective it is a 0-singularity, because i have assumed that the universe must have a duality of being and not being, expressed as the surface 1 and the second surface 0, both the flat space. I
have interpreted the four dimensional universe as a vertical light spiral, whose spatial surfaces are longitudinal and filled with the 4 basic colours red, blue, yellow and white with vertical,
transversal motion direction and these surfaces are overlapped (overlapping = thrusting of micro-black holes) and the colours of the visible surrounding are generated. It will we possible to
determine the colours of the surrounding for the 0-singularity independent of complicated examinations of reflection, absorption and transmission. This simplification is a consequence of a
physics that is more classical than classical mechanics. We will see this also for the general relativity theory. The overlapping of the space surfaces is the overlapping of microcosmos and
macrocosmos with the vertical light wave as dark energy.
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