Time pressure is maximal for high and low energies and minimal for E = 1.


Time pressure is relative, seconds per second, and the virtual time relative as a back (past)-forth (future)-mirroring of physical parameters, which are the eternal time, while the individual objects vanish forever out of the life and move physical into the heaven over the physical process of dying. For the transition between life and death the time-axis shrinks to 1, but is absolute for the life. Time is absolute and time-travels unpossible, but a travel to another parallel-cosmos, where live still dinosaurs possible. The cosmological constant is a gamma-factor, which equals a multiplication (filling without squaring) of two gammafactor and equals a divion of two further gammafactor, whereby a infinite finite product of 1's stays behind for the stairway to heaven and for the eternal time-structure of the universe. The relativism is gauged by uncertainty to the universal force and Lorentz-transformation stays beneath a transformation depending on the wavelnegth of light for the Gigaspace. Time is not relative, because the moved clock becomes larger by motion and the circuit-frequency omega = v/r lower, because r gets bigger. v = r/t is the invariant and t is a virtual time for the reapeting of universal states after they were happened or before they were happened in an understanding of before and after that has only quantum-cosmological nature of space, energy and angular momentum and at least force. For the heaven all living and all is living has lived the same second long. Between life and heaven the time-axis becomes infinite finite, an extremal large number. Virtual times are at once 1 and tv. It is distinguished between 3 virtual times, for the explanation of time-pressure-intersections (1+1 = anything), equilisation of inverse space-contraction and the equilisation of two paths for the gravitational-lensing. There is further a value 1, which stays 1 in the modified Lorentz-transformation for the 1-singularity and for the life (E-whole-singularity), which is non-existing and is pseudoremoved for time-pressure equals power, because the sidelength of the whole time-pressure-layer, which are squared the energy 1 J and on which the energy is related is regarding the time-pressure-principle also 1 second and not only one of the four sections. 


The analytical light velocity for a light beam is not influenced by gravity. It is constant in time-direction and variable in space-direction. The experimental light velocity deviates from it with the small factor c_a/c_exp = 1,0548. The measurement of the experimental light velocity must be seen as based on the proper length of a second and of a meter. Both are correct and natural, because the general application of the parameter in a deterministic consideration of the historical event of the measurements was in the neurosomatical sense self-regulating with a absolute precision. This claim goes further in the interpretation of time as infinite time row within the prime-time 1 second. The meter on the earth is not the prime-meter. It deviates with the factor 1,0548.  It must be considered past and future not as points in the circlesquare, because they are vanished and not yet happened. None the less the circlesquare is even by the natural physical arrangement of the being as infinite time within one second, the world crosses or passes our way and time gets a length and at least force, a natural tool to work with time as a vector on a abritary length direction in relation to a second axis and it can be taken each point in the past as a photon and how it will change as a prediction to a point in the future. This is a physical, geometrical calculation in the circlesquare and it is not in contradiction with the statement that there is no past and future. It is to be mentioned that time is absolute and the subdivision of the second relative. This is in a transformation between the different spaces over the micro-black-hole, the quantum-optical gap. Regarding the time vector t the second is subdivided for an infinite number of sections, whereby the seconds become infinite small. In the circle-square the circles inside the small and large circles are the daily-grind-structures with the infinite boundaries. Infinity is an very extremal high number, 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10. There are eleven 10's and one can see in another calculation that the group velocity of light for the mirroing of light for a certain cosmical distance canges between the two boundaries 10^-11 m/s and 10^11 m/s and that the numbers inside the calculation become infinite high and infinite small for a number of calculation steps, which is just the number of energy steps or parallel cosmos inside the torus. Here the gap of time and space closes again as a elegant ground structure of the singularity.


Time pressure:

Each energy is the universe is a time pressure layer, in which like for a chessboard there is a large square with a lot of small squares inside. The sensational idea is now here that the large square has the same length than the small square and both have the prime second 1 s and prime length 1m. This makes the universe holistic in time and space. The vertical axis h' is the fourth space dimension and a sandwich structure of all the energy layers, in which the number of small squares equals the energy.  Energy equals surface is my new idea and helps to solve different objections in physics and the question about the nothing and the before. There is no before. The universe is eternal, which is exprressed in the unfinity, which is a finite value that is reached after each second from new. The dinosaurs have lived before one second.


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Mail: Mario.Brunkhorst@gmx.de