How can one say energy of the empty space and deny at once the perpetuum mobile?

Because one has made it to pseudomatter. A smallest unit of matter, although with photons it goes deeper until the infinite small value (in the pseudomatter). Thereby the fluctuation of the space stays as a energyless space-time-curvature. The established physics declines it until the infinite small. Thereby there is prevent a duality between energy in the space and the same energy in the matter. Einsteins field equation has left the space-time-curvature and on the right the energy. Left must also be the energy and on right the space-time-curvature. The flat MInkowski-space with the smallest infinite small distance gap must have the infinite small energy and the smallest limited energy of the microcosm at once. Thereby the empty space has indeed energy, but not only as a trial to make the impression to the public it was considered in mathematics so that the dogma the perpetuum mobile is in real not possible, what is wrong. It is not considered and we have only 20% of the rainforrest. Each day species die out and they must say now the truth!

The energy of the flat space has nothing at first to do with particles. It is area in squaremeters. This why the universe is black. Please don't believe that if the physicists say vacuum energy of the empty space that they mean it. They mean matter. It is the future of the humanity, which is here totally in danger.

It contains vacuum ? Rho_vacuum? Lie. This parameter is pseudomatter. At once non-existing is not the basic property of vacuum, which is a 0-height of a surface, whose surface is the energy. Energy = M*s/t^2 is the number (kg) of squaremeters per time squared (number). mass and time are only quntities. Hence, energy equals surface. This principle can be seen also in the Grassmann-mathematics. 1+Ghost{1} = 2 = 1.


The amplitude of a light-wave, which moves once through the cosmos, vanishes by redshift and appears as amplitude in the ghost1-ghost0-axis. Each line in the universe underlies the gravitational lensing and has a tiny optical curvature depending on coupling, gravity and electrostatic.

News: 23.05.2016

News: 17.05.2016

Love is the connection of humans by low-entropic black-holes. In the left-picture is shown the correlation of humans also for higher entropic black holes (families, friends and work collegues and groups by other sympathies). One must imagine that the lines (and surfaces and spaces) are between everything, not only between the humans. The yellow lines are temporal states. Only one moment later there are new configurations. Some hold longer, others not so long. The same is with matter and light, the nature, mountains, ecosystems, the weather, extragalactical, political systems, galaxies, stock exchange values, cells, the evolution, the internal properties of the eternal universe with the eternal big-bang as universal, spatial property of the conversion of matter on the line between middle and border of each cosmos and the universe , the correlations beween the many parallel cosmos etc..Each possible state is represented by a number and physical parameters for these numbers, based always on the formula of everything. Systems are correlated holistical, whereby solutions are always possible with representative results. The reason is that the behaviour of a subsystems (microsystem, f.e. humanity) is determined by the pressure of the macrosystem (climate. A bad climate decreases the velocity of humans and the energy E and the social stability as the wavelength Lambda). Physically interesting are experimental confirmable new properties of atoms and many-body-systems, which follow the same laws and by the new laws it can be made predictions and be modelled theoretical properties of atoms and many-body-systems before the experimental confirmation.

News: 06.05.2016

Artificial light, the LFO-technology and the perpetuum mobile by the force-energy-equivalence are the future of the humanity and its possibility to survive.


- the free Helmholtz-energy F~ determines the activation energy for chemical reactions and by the force-energy-equivalence and the energy table it is in the future possible to produce artificial cells for the production of food out of anorganic minerals. Together with a space station on the earth orbit with place for the whole humanity arranged stellate to make sure that the sunlight can reach further the earth surface, together with artificial light by the perpetuum mobile motor it will be possible to survive as humanity a global catastroph. Food can be produced on fields with infinite force for artificial light on agricultural fields in the orbit in closed biosystems. By the LFO-technology, levitating flight objects, which can be build in the next century with the time pressure theory as physical basis theory with rotating electrical and magnetical fields in one device, a high frequent traffic between earth and space-station is made possible. Therefore the whole humanity is needed with large number of humans. The perpetuum mobile motor will have an efficiency of 10000000000000000000000000 %. It is needed all possible energy-sources on the earth for the activation energy. Because of the force-energy-equivalence it is equivalent to force. In the case of the necessary escape from the expanding sun in 2 billion years round about and the collision of the sun system with the Andromeda nebula the technology will be so far developed that we have found a way to use the whole sine-wave of the universe (singular k-space reached by the opening of the 3D-Cartesian-spaces and the shifting of the space along the perpendicular axis in the Hilbert space for the three flat spaces E, Ep and F~ ) to assemble contact to other civilisations over the understanding of the entropy gradient of light in correlation with micro-macro-coupling. The application of light as a tool for extremal distances in the multidimensional universe will be possible as well as the usage of light for the artificial production of matter and organic substances by the photonal macro- and microbody of molecules. The shape is force forces atoms to a certain flow and diffusion behaviour to find the desired positions for a macromolecule described already basically in the time pressure theory. The production of organic life will have limits by the low-entropic determined quantum-chaos. The general equivalence principle must be understood as correct for the general relativity theory and the special equivalence principle for quantum mechanics. The general equivalence principle says that space time curvature is not caused by matter whereby the space time is mass-, energy and forceless and reverse, but that the space has also these properties and the matter the property space time curvature.


- The partition functions are allocated in the circlesquare and over the free Helmholtz-energy F~ = - kB*T*lnZk

and F~ = (E*Ep)^1/2 is build the bridge between a physical complexer system and its opposite in the macrocosm respectively the microcosm and the 1-Joule-singularity (the whole chessboard for a time pressure layer as turning point).


Only by the knowledge of one parameter in a row of the energy table the others can be calculated.


The results of the energy table are taken for the four main equations for quantum gravity with the modified Maxwell equations for the micro-macro-coupling and the wave- and the particle distribution in the rotor of the perpetuum mobile motor for the usage of the asymptotical free force of the phenomenological nothing.

News: 02.05.2016

2016contributions in facebook and Google+_02.05.2016

--> Lagrange functions for the 4 2-bit-singularities.

Ensues the Delta-function (right figure)

- Bra-Ket-state-vectors in the circlesquare (left figure)


The delta function is the wavefunction for the whole singularity of the Hilbert space. Thereby is determined the symmetries of the waves in the stator of the perpetuum mobile motor depending on its rotation caused by the external stimulation. A second delta function determines the position in R^3 in correlation to the vector potential of the electromagnetic wave.


News: 26.04.2016

News: 21.04.2016

The smallest possible unit is not empty string, but string, energy and force. The space time has energy and force. The institutional physics claims since 100 years something else and prevents that free energy can become attractive in the public.


The substance of quantisation is the infinitesimal small number and this is the substance of singularity.

Two numbers, which are equal are not distinguishable. The one 1 is the same as the other 1.

All parameters in physics have numbers before the SI-unit. The numbers are for the smallest quantisation equal. The infinitesimal small number.

There is only one energy E as substance. All others types are derived over differential equations within the substance E.

This substance as infinitesimal quantisation unit must always have all parameters of physics.

The globular Riemann space is streched as the energy of the microcosm is set equal to infinity. For each energy smaller than Em =10^-68 J the infinite small Planck energy as subsection, infinity is an unbelievable small number, equals the energy of the microcosm and therewith the 10^136 parallel (together E_m) macroscopical (also microscopical out of the perspective of the 1-meter-singularity), classical, determined chaotical quantum information spaces consisting of qubits (force-chaos-particles, old term: force-waves, restforce)
Mario Brunkhorst (2013-2015).

This why the selfregulated universe is evident.


The globular Riemann space is streched as the energy of the microcosm is set equal to infinity. For each energy smaller than Em =10^-68 J the infinite small Planck energy as subsection, infinity is an unbelievable small number, equals the energy of the microcosm and therewith the 10^136 parallel (together E_m) macroscopical (also microscopical out of the perspective of the 1-meter-singularity), classical, determined chaotical quantum information spaces consisting of qubits (force-chaos-particles, old term: force-waves, restforce)
Mario Brunkhorst (2013-2015).

News: 18.04.2016



The universe forms objects in a quantum-cosmological simplification for the upper hyperspace (10-singularity) (projection of many-body-chaos on 1-dimension). Look: redshift for the Gigaspace (Mainarticle...pdf)


Hilbert-space-cube is chosen around an object of interest. Because the space around the object is phenomenological not existant regarding the shaping the distances perpendicular on the infinitesimal object surfaces to the border of the 1-singularity equal the forces of Hook's law F = D•x.


OK, my causality chains are not in real ones. I claim, but i have reasons.



Upper Gigaspace (changed from upper hyperspace. Hyperspace was the old term for Gigaspace. The reason was the term hyperfinestructure in conventional physics in the time pressure theory there is a Gigafinestructure. It is more informative about a far star, if its light is investigated for lower entropy. Therewith one can say e.g. more about the landscape although it is with the telescope a tiny point).

The wavelength Lambda for the micro-macro-coupling is in time direction of the 00-singularity (the level of the solutions of the differential equations, plus and minus, Cartesian space, thermal equilib­rium) the Compton-wavelength and in space-direction Lambda is variable, although the Compton with its reduction in the denominator is also variable for changes of the location and coupling fields of the labratory in the universe. The macroscopical resonance wavelength Lambda in space-direc­tion of the 00-singularity depends on the macroscopical and microscopical temperature and from the energy E, which follows over the singular energy table to the Planck-energy. It depends on the wavelength of light. Mass times acceleration follows regarding the new nature law micro-macro-coupling to the group velocity of light in the atomic structure and reverse (UFO, perpetuum mo­bile). The law has two formulations: the other follows to the kinetic energy of the object.

It is shown here how the shape of an object in an arbitrary chosen Hilbert-cube (Sorry David Hilbert) follows also to a wavelength with the Hook's law in a context of the redshift in the 1-singu­larity for a light wave that falls into a gravitational field (can also be an electrostatic field) and be­comes the minimal light velocity v_g = √10•10^-26 m/s for the gravitational acceletation of the cos­mos for the 1-singularity.

Both wavelength are filled (multiplied without squaring)


News: 18.04.2016

- 2016Contribution in facebook and google+.18.04.2016.pdf


- Correlation between the star dot theory and the light spectrum over the frequency f = c/Lambda


- Electrical field lines, vector potential and micro-black-holes.


- Before they found the Higgs-particle in the LHC they had been excluded possibilities in the energies, which they had been already observed. We see that although the observation of the Higgs-particle was only a single events, the multiple number of counts before follow a distribution of complexity in whose center of the force potential for the 00-singularity the most general material particle was hidden. The most general particle, which was by far not found is the gluon and its supersymmetrical particles in the near. It is the general center of the 0-singularity.

News: 14.04.2016

The orange line marks the substitution of the natural wavefunctions by the unnatural probability term (not general, random, the formulas are single special, molecular objects). The term underlies the Einstein's equivalence principle. General: Acausal equivalence principle, Special: Causal equivalence principle (Albert Einstein) g: Landé-factor

The relativism-uncertainty-gauging must still be made general-equivalent to the quantum-mechanical orbitalphysics. Figure 2

News: 14.04.2016

Introduction of the terms constrained and asymptotical free hyperpower


The seesaw length are instead an allowed applications for Einstein's equivalence principle

The terms constrained G_G•M and asymptotical free hyperpower G_A•M are now introduced for the gravitational variable G_G = (s^4/t^3) respectively as anti-gravitational variable G_A = (s^4/t3)^-1 both multiplied in the denominator in the bracket with mass and charge to P~_G = (s^4/t^3•M_I) and P~_A = (s^4/t^3•I)^-1. s^4/t^3 is the space-time-relation and is derived my pdf-file "about the relativity of time pressure and the absoluteness of time in a balancing system between the opposites" by a spring with constant force for the red- and blueshift for light that moves into a black hole and slow down and to hold the velocity constant increases the wavelength. For the blueshift it does the same for the fourth space dimension. The mass and charge in the denominator is important for the lever system, in which the elementary length is the middle point and times smaller than the photonal elemtary time are not longer time. Between the unfilled length of the microscopical time pressure layer and the elementary length is the hypercharge as bridging filling length. M_I is the hypermass, whose smallest amount is the mass of the microcosm and the hypercharge I is the smallest charge of the microcosm. The singular seesaw lengths for the symmetry breaking are instead an allowed application for Einstein's equivalence principle.

Mario Brunkhorst (13-16)

News: 14.04.2016

Note: The Gigastring 2 (0-singularity) is cyclic, but a square in the circle-square, because the circle is a row of infinitesimal small lines.

Time pressure theory with star dot theory (Mario Brunkhorst, 13-15)

The two Gigastrings in the singularity (photon) of the circle-square for the formula of everything F = E/Lambda (Force energy equivalence for the development of the perpetuum mobile motor and the UFO-technology).


Gigastring 1 (1-singularity): star-dot-loop


That the Gigastring 2 equals the 0-singularity (cyclic, Big Bang outgoing from the center of the universe) and that this Gigastring is by isochore, optical expansion also square, can be explained. The Gigastrings are like all physical systems not rigid. It is correlated with time pressure and the vanishing of non-phenomenological ghostparameters (gauging for unknown space-time-correlations on force). The Gigastrings are not rigid, because of the elegant transition between its four Sidesingularities and the whole singularity. Besides there are the two physical properties causality (cause and effect) and contemporaneity. The Gigastring 1 (squaric 1-singularity) belongs to the star dot theory and the contemporaneity of the motion vectorizing emission of a low entropic photon and its arrival on the border of the cosmos over the star dot point; one for micro- (coupling) and one for the macrocosm (asymptotical freedom).




This categorisation is correct, because redundant. I have in the last a failure without negative effect about the made statements and causal results. I have confound


Gigastring 1 = 1-singularity
Star dot theory (arising of motion), generation of shapes, structures
Gigastring 0 = 0-singularity
Experimental physics, Einstein, Superstrings, etc., standard model and isochoric expansion (new), is as gigastring by optical expansion a square, but also as surface a circle




GS 1 = 0-sing.
GS 2 = 1-sing.


I distinguish also the terms Gigaspace for everything that is in the circle-square in the Hilbert-space, but also in the 0-singularity, if it is not the 00- or 01-singularity, which are the subsingularities of the 0-singularity


I distinguish between 00- singularity, if it is spoken about the experimental measurement results




the 11-singularity if it is meant the analytical nature values


It is distinguished between spacedirection, if the horizontal lines in the circlesquare are transformed to a 3D-space (Cartesian) with 0-point in the cosmological midpoint, 4D-space (euclidean: 2D, square with circle, 4D: cube with diagonal lines as fourth space-dimension)




time-direction: Hilbert-space (the big square with the imaginary and reel axes), the diagonals, which are horizontal for light. They are diagonal for particle types including sofas, cars, stars, atoms, combinations of sofas, bikes and mountains.




News: 14.04.2016

The general equivalence-principle:

The quantization of energy follows to one tiniest thing. This is the quantum. This is the one! tiniest thing, whose quantisation is either by splitting in pieces of E = M•c^2 and Ep = hc/Lambda. Because it is only one! tiniest thing both formulas belong to this one thing.
This why each equation says always that what is left of the equality sign is also valid for the right side and reverse. It does not mean, as the physicists claim it that the left side changes to the right side and reverse. Hence, energy E is also mass and M•c^2 is also energy E.

The basic dogma that is thereby removed is that the energy density by matter in the cosmos is not produced by the space-time-curvature, but that space-time-density times volume is curvature at once, the volume does not play a role, because on both side is energy, and that curvature is energy at once. Between energy M•s^2/t^2 and 1/s^2 is the ghostparameter M•s^4/t^2. It can be let away, because of 1+1 except the case 2 unequal 2 for time pressure.
The special equivalence principle:
The orange line marks the substitution of the natural wavefunctions by the unnatural probability term (not general, random, the formulas are single special, molecular objects). The term underlies the Einstein's equivalence principle. General: Acausal equivalence principle, Special: Causal equivalence principle (Albert Einstein) g: Landé-factor


Supersymmetry-breaking as allowed application for Einstein's equivalence principle transforms for the overthrusting of two micro-black-holes in the first case by the cyclic 0-singularity (Gigastring 2), in the circle-square it is drawn squaric, because a circle is a row of lines, the squaric 01-singularity to the cyclic 00-singularity and the squaric 1-singularity (Gigastring 1) transforms the cyclic 10-singularity to a squaric 11-singularity (Mario Brunkhorst, 13-15).

News: 13.04.2016

The equivalence-principle by Einstein and its followers is wrong. The pieces of a whole are also E = M*c^2 and this the quantization. It is not different from E = h*f and therewith photons have mass. The mass is not in the photon, but in the space-time, because the field-equation is also quantized in energy density on the left side, where the curvature is. And energy-density is photon-energy-density.

News: 08.04.2016

News: 06.04.2016

News: 01.04.2016

Star dot theory:
Imagine a point M somewhere in the cosmos. Then there are 4 further coordinates located somewhere in the 6 directions of the cube. These four points are connected with lines, which equal force, energy and wavelength. The bird flies in the direction of M. It is the path, on which the air pressure was decreased in the Podkletnov/Riemienen-experiment. The bird flies by micro-macro-coupling. By the resonance wavelength Lambda for the 01-singularity (figure, shape) and for the 00-singulatity (atomic properties) the microbody is coupled on the macrobody by the hypercharge, which is as sum elementary charge, which is the actuating variable and is transported between both locations as described by the four main-equations for quantum-gravity (Mario B., 13-15).

Einstein's field equation ->

5×5 motion matrix for the Gigaspace ->

Four main equations for quantum gravity ->

F_Micro, Macro = (E^2/h•c)_Micro, Macro
hc: dark light velocity v_D, angular momentum, surface growth velocity, antihyperaccelerated electrical field-surfaces and hyperaccelerated magnetic monopoles (pixel colours of the reality).
for the lower 0-singularity (squaric)
E = M•v_D^2
10^-34 m/s <= v_D <= 10^34 m/s

Ep = E

Lambda = hc/Ep

Micro-macro-coupling for the 00- singularity F_Micro, Macro = (E/Lambda_Compton)_Macro, Micro
E = M•v_G^2
v_G: group velocity of light
10^-11 m/a <= v_G <= 10^11 m/s

F = E/Lambda
(special and general)

News: 31.03.2016

SINGULARITY (harmonic chaos)


Figure 1: A photon, here still described as electron, but each particle type in and beyond the standard model turn once

1. From the border of a! cosmos to the middle (macroscopical black hole in the dark force, analogue: in the deep sea) over the 1-0 axis and back (squaric). The path is in the world torus and each main point is a energy/force singularity (Points 1-5). The cyclic surfaces in the torus are energy states and maps of the cosmos. It starts left, then right to the middle and back. At once the path goes once around the forth space dimension h' = 10^-34 m (axial midline). These are fundamental processes in the light and thus in each free choseable thing in the world. These things are singularities.

2. The second path starts at the same point border of the cosmos and goes once around as a circle. This is the verticality, which has two axes in the circle-square. At once the photon turns axial. It is the same axial motion as in the first case.

The helicity of light is the fundamental property of this motion.

The result is a cyclic disk in the torus with a hole. The hole is closed by a transformation of the torus to the cube. This explains with the help tool circlesquare the annihilation of matter and antimatter for quanta. The technical realization for macrosystems is not possible, because of the individuality of the quantum states.

The disc fluctuates with the macroscopical resonance frequency and the macroscopical resonance wavelength Lambda = c/f0, depending on the starting point of the paths.

This disc is the flat space of morphic force field.


Figure 2 and 3:

Time pressure theory (Mario Brunkhorst, 13-15)

E is the substance E. The photon-energy and the free Helmholtz-energy are also both this substance. Each energy in the universe equals surface A = E.

E = (M_U,m)_Giga•c^4 = √(p^2•c^4 + M0^2•c^4)

E_U = M_U•c_a^2 = √(p^2•c^4 + M0^2•c^4) = 10^68 kg•m^2/t^2

E_m = M_m•(1/c_a^2) = √(p^2•c^4 + M0^2•c^4) = 10^-68 kg•m^2/s^2 = Ep = (hc/Lambda)_1,0-sing.

analytical coupling constants for the whole force range
alpha_em (P=5) = pi_a/2 - 1/2
pi_a = √10 (analytical circle number for asymptotical freedom, tunneling of coupling, radial postion of a luminary in this cosmos or in another, in an atom, in a sofa, a bike, guano ape as photon, a photon, electron, axion, a zero surface)
alpha_em (P=1) = pi_a/2 - 1/2
pi_a = √10
Units: radians

News: 29.03.2016


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