Phenomenological perpetuum mobile: By the additional rotating electrical field in an electrical motor the rotor couples on the rotating micro-black-hole in the vacuum background. Thereby the input power can be turned down without that the coupling on the micro-black-holes is decreased.
News: 23.10.2016
A better interpretation instead of anti-induction, here i change my opinion more often, because i was still too pessimistic about the simplicity of the
perpetuum-mobile-motor, is that the charges, which are shifted by the voltage of the power-supply in the wires of the stator of an induction-motor transmit their energy on the magnetical field,
which then shifts charges in the rotor for the macroscopical magnetisation, whose magnetic field then couples on the field of the stator, whereby the rotor rotates.
Thereby arises the loss of power in the stator by dI/dt = d(Q/t)/dt if multiplied with the voltage. Thereby the voltage change by dP/dt = dU•dI/dt --> dU = dP/dI must be equilised by the
current-net. But by the additional rotating electrical field in the perpetuum-mobile-motor the opening of the micro-black-holes in the spatial area of the rotor (no summation of the depth h' like
in a black-hole, because of the little mass and charge and therewith no danger to be sucked) leads to a micro-macro-coupling between space (macro) and rotor (micro), whereby the rotor is now
controlled by the micro-black-holes. The follow is that the magnetical field that is induced in the rotor does not longer pull away the power from the current-flow in the input-voltage. This
would count for the input of the rotating magnetical and of the electrical field-lines, which cross the stator between the orbital arranged rods in a possible pilot-test-project. Over the
fieldlines is for the pm-motor and the UFO transported only little energy and force. The question stays how large is the moment of force by the micro-black-holes in the rotor and how extreme must
be known the arrangement of the magnetical coils and if the rods are replaced of the electrical coils, the electrical coils to drive for example a ship-propeller over the pm-motor with a 1,5
V-Batterie. :-}Should give a positive perspective for the future.
News: 26.10.2016
I have refused anti-induction in favor of a decrease of the exergy-flow over the field-lines to the shifted charges of the stator in the process of induction. By the coupling of the charges in the rotor on the micro-black-hole the external fields are not longer needed to shift the charges and therewith the rotor to an accordant degree of the micro-macro-coupling between rotor and space. In the case of an ideal perpetuum-mobile-rotor the external field are energetically supplied by renewable or fossile energy to open the micro-black-holes.
To test the coupling between micro-black-holes and the rotor i would propose to build an experimental set-up with an induction-motor with a voltage-control of the rotating magnetical and electrical field, whereby the last is realised by metal-rods, which are positioned isolated from each other closed-packed around the stator. Therefore could be taken a WinErs-control, i have worked with it already for building of pilot-biogasplants in spain and one in germany and it is a flexible and quite secure software based on windows, to switch high-voltage from a transformation over relais on a pair of opposite arranged rods. A short time-section later could be swichted on the next and the pair before switched off and so the electrical field-lines would turn in a circle and together with the magnetical fields would opened the micro-black-holes without the Podkletnov-effect, which is not desired, although his experiment is the first prove of the star-dot-tubes. The mass in the star-dot-tube must be pulled back into the disc to cause the perpetuum-mobile. The hyperacceleration as mass towards the macroscopical star-dot-point caused the experiment by Podkletnov the decrease of the air-pressure over the rotating superconducting disc. Thereby there could not happen a motion of the disc in the room of the experiment, maybe as luck for the present humans. There is a statement of Podkletnov about an additional effect by mass that destroys computers in the room if the room is electrical shielded.On this point the microscopical star-dot-point plays a second role. The shielding of the room causes a back-reflection of the anti-hyperacceleration, of the electrical charge of the massive quasiparticle for the wavespace. The vacuum-fluctuation of the electronic macroscopical states as material wavephenomenon of the computers can be imagined by the scattering of the massive quasiparticles in the space. That there are many quasiparticles has the reason that not only the whole object, the disc has a vector for motion, but also all possible states of the combination of all atoms and particles in the object, which are also all macrobodies (quantum-teleportation).
The influencing of an induction motor with an additional, rotating electrical field causes a substitution of constraint force flow F_point, coupled =
F_coupled/t = Q/(Lambda*t) by asymptotical free force flow F_point, asymptotical free = F_asymptotical free/t = W/(Lambda*t). By a given input F_point = E/(Lambda*t) the motor rotates with a
higher transition of force flow to a working resistance like a generator or a flour mill as expected. In the experiment it is not sure by far if the motor is going only to rotate, how it is
expected for the motor, or does something else, like mechanical exploding like the engine of an airplane or it is transformed into linear asymptotical free motion. This is very dangerous for
those who try the experiment, for the health, but also for the material and the costs. The principle is the opening of micro-black-holes in the rotor atoms. Micro-black-holes are filled with
Planck-energy and therewith Planck-force. It is photon-force, but with lower entropy, F = L*S*Virtual{(M*s^3/(K*t))}, hence less constraint force. The motor is by E = M*c_a^2 = 50 kg*10^17
kg*s^2/t^2 = 5*10^18 J and has verticalities and horizontalities
h' = E*h'_m = 5*10^18 J = 5*10^-16 m (time direction)
h' = Ep*h*
Energy table:
Zeta_E = 1-Log E/Log E_U = 1-18,7/68 = 0,73
Ep = 10^(logE_m*Zeta_E) = 2,3*10^-50 J
h' = Ep*h* = 2,3*10^-50 J*10^34 m = 5*10^-16 m (time direction)
h'_v = Ep,j*h*/E_j^0,5 = 2,3*10^-50*10^34 m J/(5*10^18 J)^0,5 = 1,03*10^-25 m (space direction)
h'_G = E_j*h_sq/Ep,j^0,5 = 5*10^18*10^-34/(2,3*10^-50)^0,5 = 3,3*10^9 m (space direction)
Only by the presence of the motor it is already opened a black hole, but for a row of one micro-black-hole
The energy of the electrical and of the magnetical fields together are much smaller than the restenergy of the motor. The relativistic energy growth of the motor could be neglected. Thereby h'_G is smaller, nearer 1. The verticality h'_v is then about 10^-34 m.
The calculated verticalities come from one hsq and the horizontalities from one h*
For a large black-hole many micro-black-holes must be arranged to a row by coupling between a mass and the mass of the space-time. The mass of the space-time is in
the spring constant as virtual parameter for the arising of energy as surface. The relastivistic energy E follows to the Lorentz-transformation and inside the Lorentz-transformation the velocity
v is the velocity of the space-time and an object inside the space-time at once. In Einstein's field equation the energy density is thereby direct translated to space-time-curvature. The formula
E = M*c^2 means that an object has Mass and energy. It comes from the quantized energy by Max Planck E = h*f. The left term belongs by Einstein to the photon and M*c^2 to objects. Imagine a chair
consists of atoms and each atom has mass. This why E = M*c^2 can be split in pieces with mass. The pieces are also the left photon energy. This is the quantization. Hence the photon has mass and
this the reason for the gravitational lensing. The mass is in the space-time-curvature. Therewith by Einstein and his followers the equivalence-principle was understood wrong. Both sides of an
equation have the both properties of both sides.
The photon-energy is very small and this why we don't get space-time-curvature and therwith no large black holes.
I have removed the concept of the force substitution for the rotor of the power plant generator for a substitution of voltage by an anti-induction from the rotor to the stator of the perpetuum mobile motor direct on the motor. Thereby the voltage supply sinks by the power plant, but the same voltage as without rotating electrical field in the induction motor stays at the motor.
The perpetuum mobile motor substitutes by an anti-induction from rotor to stator of voltage U_PM a major part of the voltage supply U_PR by the power plant to hold the voltage U constant. The resistance R replaces the Ohm's and the inductive resistance. The whole universe has only a resistance R. It is related to the holistic property of energy E = M'_Giga•c^2 = √(p^2c^2 + M0^2c^4) = hc/Lambda of photons for M equal the mass of dark energy (surface times Ghost{Spring constant}. R = U/I = (E/Q•I).
The electrical circuit is in the 0-singularity (daily-grind-structure, thermodynamical equilibrium).
Perpetuum mobile means the efficiency higher than 100 % and the conversion of force out of the dark cosmos (black is not nothing and this why there is is something)
The perpetuum mobile has more dangers.
I have made a failure and came to the conclusion that my
interpretation about the perpetuum mobile regarding the connection between power plant and motor, the theory about the backflow of hypercharge to the power plant and the substitution of generator
rotor force, could be wrong, but must not be necessarily. I think the earth is also directly driven by the gravitational field of the sun in correlation to the vacuum to get the rotation around
its axis. There is no causal correlation to a external energy supply somewhere else in the cosmos, so to say a wire. It is also to complicated and i believe now that it is enough to think that
the rotating electrical and magnetical fields in the pm-motor follow to an opening of the quantum-optical gaps to a certain degree what is also the basis for
the rotating earth around its own axis, that the rotor tuns by the asymptotical free coupling on the border (brane) between the flat cosmos, the flat wavespace and the flat quantum information
space. Thereby the rotor turns to a certain degree by the help of this vacuum force and this induces a voltage in the stator and substitutes a part of the input voltage, whereby the power plant
can be driven with less primary energy. This idea decouples the pm-motor from the power plant.
The backflow of hypercharge from the stator of the perpetuum mobile motor to the power plant over the electron clouds in the input wires follows thereto the rotor in the generator in the power plant is driven partly asymptotical free. Thereby the turbine blades need to be less driven by the heating of water to water vapour in the firing.
The perpetuum mobile motor needs voltage for the magnetic and electric field by the generator in the power plant. It must be constant. By the resonance in the pm-motor the rotation energy of the rotor becomes asymptotical free force. The energy E_rota = F_asympt. free•Lambda1 can be transported as backflow of constraint force F_constr. = E_rota/Lambda2 to the rotor of the generator of the power plant. The firing of constraint primary force can be reduced.
We have two things: First an induction of asymptotical freedom from the rotor of pp-motor to the stator of the pm-motor and an induction of constraint force from the stator of the generator in the power plant to the rotor of this generator.
The Podkletnov experiment should be repeated by independent people without the change of any detail. Thereby can be proved asymptotical free motion and be made basic studies for the physics of the clean force-energy-equivalence for a free energy motor.
Below: Picture of the natural state of the fields: below the horizontal middle line are the parallel electrical field lines and above of it the magnetical field lines for the vacuum. The study of a changed artifical geometrical symmetry within the picture can be translated into the necessities how is to worked with rotational magnetic and electric field lines between rotating north and south and plus and minus poles. I think that Tesla's induction motor must be combined with his high voltage physics to get a phenomenological perpetuum mobile.
artificial (desired): the green line means pure asymptotical freedom or antigravity. The disc in the Podkletnov experiment flies to another planet with perfect fly behaviour.
The blue line represents the Podkletnov experiment. Although it was measured something else than normal, the artificial decrease of the air pressure above the disc, the behaviour of the disc was nevertheless normal (natural), because it did not dart away.
I claim that the magnetic fields which where used to bring the disc in the supra cold helium in motion were responsible for the decrease of the air pressure above the disc. This is due to the decrease of the mass of the disc with 0,05-0,3 %, which had been converted into hyperacceleration of magnetic surfaces within the invisible tube above the disc with an unknown cosmical length. It is as longer as higher is the lost mass in this undesidered way. Although it must be the aim to lose the mass, it may not be lost into the tube, but rather into the macrocosm of the disc. Therefore i propose the introduction of the rotational electrical fields into the experiment.
The yellow line shows a successful prove of asymptotical free motion.
The Podkletnov experiment should be repeated by independent people without the change of any detail. Thereby can be proved asymptotical free motion and be made basic studies for the physics of the clean force-energy-equivalence for a free energy motor.
Below: Picture of the natural state of the fields: below the horizontal middle line are the parallel electrical field lines and above of it the magnetical field lines for the vacuum. The study of a changed artifical geometrical symmetry within the picture can be translated into the necessities how is to worked with rotational magnetic and electric field lines between rotating north and south and plus and minus poles. I think that Tesla's induction motor must be combined with his high voltage physics to get a phenomenological perpetuum mobile.
artificial (desired): the green line means pure asymptotical freedom or antigravity. The disc in the Podkletnov experiment flies to another planet with perfect fly behaviour.
The blue line represents the Podkletnov experiment. Although it was measured something else than normal, the artificial decrease of the air pressure above the disc, the behaviour of the disc was nevertheless normal (natural), because it did not dart away.
I claim that the magnetic fields which where used to bring the disc in the supra cold helium in motion were responsible for the decrease of the air pressure above the disc. This is due to the decrease of the mass of the disc with 0,05-0,3 %, which had been converted into hyperacceleration of magnetic surfaces within the invisible tube above the disc with an unknown cosmical length. It is as longer as higher is the lost mass in this undesidered way. Although it must be the aim to lose the mass, it may not be lost into the tube, but rather into the macrocosm of the disc. Therefore i propose the introduction of the rotational electrical fields into the experiment.
The yellow line shows a successful prove of asymptotical free motion.
Left: blue: the disc in the Podkletnov experiment is in rest (it is does not fly).
green: The disc flies (link: literature) with light velocity through the cosmos. Yellow:
The disc flies through the space by asmptotical freedom (antigravity).
Right: R. Podkletvov and R. Rieminen (1992)
Opposite electrical poles, plus and minus, arranged to a circle. By a computer control high voltage is supplied to the poles beginning on one point and then in turning direction it is switched on one after the other and always when a new is switched on the one bevor is switched off.
If this is connected with an induction motor it is going to be mechanically explode. Basic studies are necessary for the development of the free energy motor.
A magnetic-electric free energy perpetuum mobile
The current i = 1 A flows in the coils. For the magnetic field B the perpetuum mobile is supplied with 1,5 V. The rotating electrical field E is supplied with 2000 V, but with the materials the charge Q in the energy E = Q*U must be minimized. The runner can then transfer a power of 800 KW by micro-macro-coupling on a generator shaft for the production of energy. The efficiency is much higher than 1 (Mario Brunkhorst, 2015). But danger because of the possibility of mechanical explosions for the first prototypes!
What is micro-macro-coupling? The runner of the motor has atoms with electrons. Although the electrons run all around the nucleus they have all different quantum mechanical properties. By the coils and electrical poles (new for a motor) the atoms of the runner are influenced by these external fields and brought to a group behaviour. They oscillate now with the group velocity as a macroscopical property. The macroscopical property is the force F = M*a or momentum by time. This is the rotation of the runner (M.B.15).
In picture 3 the moon (before i have taken a satellite, but the moon can better be illustrated) escapes from the earth in a direction and by gravity the distance between earth and moon stays constant. The escape direction is a point on the border of the cosmos. Picture 1, drawn here as 0-singularity (3D cosmos), shows the distance between the moon (yellow) and the border of the cosmos (+e). If the moon were totally asymptotical free (i was too lazy to change it in the picture) then it would be charged as macroscopic body with the analytical elementary charge +e and between +e and -e over the distance s we get a high voltage over the space with the electrical field strength E~, but with very little charge. Because the moon is only to a half asymptotical free it has not the full elementary charge. It is a lower sum (guessing) of hypercharges of the QCD. What happens here is mathematically expressed in my four main equations for quantum gravity. In picture 2 is shown, it is interesting for the phenomenological perpetuum mobile, the rotating earth caused by the rotating electrical and magnetic poles on the border of the cosmos, which are coupled on the macroscopical resonance frequency of the earth. Maybe it was better to say that U is a vector and E a scalar (Mario Brunkhorst, 13-15).
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