News 18.03.2016

News 15.03.2016

News 05.03.2016

I have made a failure and came to the conclusion that my interpretation about the perpetuum mobile regarding the connection between power plant and motor, the theory about the backflow of hypercharge to the power plant and the substitution of generator rotor force, could be wrong, but must not be necessarily. I think the earth is also directly driven by the gravitational field of the sun in correlation to the vacuum to get the rotation around its axis. There is no causal correlation to a external energy supply somewhere else in the cosmos, so to say a wire. It is also to complicated and i believe now that it is enough to think that the rotating electrical and magnetical fields in the pm-motor follow to an opening of the quantum-optical gaps to a certain degree what is also the basis for the rotating earth around its own axis, that the rotor tuns by the asymptotical free coupling on the border (brane) between the flat cosmos, the flat wavespace and the flat quantum information space. Thereby the rotor turns to a certain degree by the help of this vacuum force and this induces a voltage in the stator and substitutes a part of the input voltage, whereby the power plant can be driven with less primary energy. This idea decouples the pm-motor from the power plant.  

News 14.02.2016


F = E/Lambda
= (Q/Lambda_E + W/Lambda_Ep)_Macro = (Q/Lambda_E + W/Lambda_Ep)_Micro
The seesaw
 F = F~^2/h•c has two seesaws                            2
2x2 = 4 seesaws in the relativism-uncertainty-gauging with pi and the substitution step for quantum-mechanics
and the free Helmholtz-energy E*Ep = F~^2 = (-kB*T*lnZK)^2 = Q*Q~          4
The formula of everything                                     8
F = E/Lambda
(8×1)_n Seesaws with supersymmetry. n = -Infinity•i = infinity•(1/0)
Infinity = 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10
8 gluons are described by the 8 terms in the four main-equations for quantum gravity. Together with the 8 terms for the modified Maxwell-equations there are 8 seesaws.
For the singularity is valid

E^2/(h•c)a1 = Ep^2/(h•c)a2 = Q^2/(h•c)a3 = Q~^2/(h•c)a4


s = v = a = hyperacceleration = Lambda_g•Ghost{} = ((E= 1)^2/(h•c)a)^-1 = Fu^-1•Ghost{} = (√10•10^25 N)^-1

Lambda_g = √10•10^-26 m (elementary length)

h_a = 10^-34 JS
c_a = (10^34)^1/4 = 316227766 m/s



- Gravitational waves:

Gravitational waves consist of Qubits, deterministic force-chaos-particles or quantum crystals in the quantum information space. I have to remove my term force waves, which i have chosen with to much compliance. At least in the universe there are only particles. Gravitational waves are analogue to photons, which are emitted by the interaction of two electrons, one on an atomic shell and the other comes new created from the nucleus and the first becomes a quasi-particles after the anti-quantum-jump. Gravitational waves arise after the collision of two black holes, because the rotation velocity of masses increase and because in my theory 1. velocity increases in its proper basis by the the decrease of the curvature of a motion radius itself and 2. force and energy are conserved for each photon (the mass), the force or energy vector turns out of the dark energy and thereby the verticality h'v becomes higher and thus the horizontality h'G lower for the two black holes. This can be explained with the circlesquare. Both parameters together follow to gravitational waves. In the institutional physics by far the conservation of mass or energy is considered for multiple systems. If the energy is lost in the one, it must appear in the other. This difference in the energy/mass respectively force/energy conservation follows to a deeper understanding of gravitational waves in the future.
Gravitational waves propagate as curved space, while the light propagates always as a line in the Cartesian space. Gravitational lensing is an optical bending. If one could hold an absolute straight object on the beam it would be no bending visible. Light is always asymptotocal free and tunnels gravity over the singular energy layer E = 1 J with the unfilled force F = 1 N, the filling force F = √10•10^25 N and the filled force with the same value. The gravitational wave has compared with the photon, the straight unoptical line, light velocity, but the gravitational wave has to pass a longer way to follow the waved space. Therefore i have found with the number Alien matrix the group velocity with a maximum of cG = 10^11 m/s and a minimum of cG = 10^-11 m/s. Herewith we get a new row of numbers for infinity, for the limes against infinity with the values between. One can calculate the free energy of gravitational waves by

F~ = h•cG/Lambda = (E•Ep)^1/2

Ep = h•c/Lambda
E= E_0•v^2Virt{t = 1 s}/(Lambda•c)

Here we see the modified Lorentztransformation for the Gigaspace, which must be multiplied with the Lorentztransformation to get the coupling between the two collided black holes and the emitted gravitational wave for a relativistic free Helmholtz-energy. The time pressure theory allows to calculate gravitational waves not only for the cosmos, but also for electronics and other applications.

News 12.02.2016

-Cross section of particle physics and the connection to morphic fields. The reaction rate W equals the rate of flat singularities. Singularities separate the world on the tip of a needle from the Giga-space and allow low entropies for complex systems.


- Please look also for Contributions in Google+ and emails_12.02.2016. pdf Pg. 83 and 84

News 08.02.2016

- New file: documents for Berlin_08.02.2016.pdf

- removed failures in the document 'The variability of mass and a physical understanding of anti-gravity_Mario Brunkhorst_08.02.2016'

- Drawing about time in the circlesquare

News 07.02.2016

The analytical light velocity for a light beam not influenced by gravity. It is constant in time direction and variable in space direction. The experimental light velocity deviates from it with the small factor 1,0548. The measurement of the experimental light velocity must be seen as based on the proper length of a second and of a meter. Both are correct and natural, because the general application of the parameter in a deterministic consideration of the historical event of the measurements was in the neurosomatical sense self-regulating with a absolute precision. This claim goes further in the interpretation of time as infinite time row within the prime-time 1 second. It must be considered past and future not as points in the circlesquare, because they are vanished and not yet happened. None the less the circlesquare is even by the natural physical arrangement of the being as infinite time within one second, the world crosses or passes our way and time gets a length and at least force, a natural tool to work with time as a vector on a abritary length direction in relation to a second axis and it can be taken each point in the past as a photon and how it will change as a prediction to a point in the future. This is a physical, geometrical calculation in the circlesquare and it is not in contradiction with the statement that there is no past and future. It is to be mentioned that time is absolute and the subdivision of the second relative. This is in a transformation between the different spaces over the micro-black-hole, the quantum-optical gap. Regarding the time vector t the second is subdivided for an infinite number of sections, whereby the seconds become infinite small. In the circle-square the circles inside the small and large circles are the daily-grind-structures with the infinite boundaries.

Infinity is an very extremal high number, 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10. There are eleven 10's and one can see in another calculation that the group velocity of light for the mirroing of light for a certain cosmical distance canges between the two boundaries 10^-11 m/s and 10^11 m/s and that the numbers inside the calculation become infinite high and infinite small for a number of calculation steps, which is just the number of energy steps or parallel cosmos inside the torus. Here the gap of time and space closes again as a elegant ground structure of the singularity.

News 03.02.2016

- new pdf-file: nature function...pdf

- The force F = M*a shows in all directions (every motion is asymptotical free for the Gigaspace and for the daily-grind-structure).

- The nature has the nature function, but also circles depending on the angle to gravity and antigravity. It is relevant for the understanding of the special meaning of the z-coordinate in quantum mechanics, the exchange of hypercharge between the macro- and the microbody in the micro-macro-coupling for the four main equations for quantum gravity and antigravity as well as quantum antigravity and for the Perpetuum mobile motor, where it is not desired that the motor flies like an UFO, but rather rotates with the same asymptotical free force that causes the motion of an UFO. Rotating electrical fields together with rotating magnetical fields are correlated to the exchange of hypercharge (as sum it is elementary charge) between micro- and macrobody in the wires of the motor to decrease the influx current (power input) without decrease of the rotor force that is coupled to the generator.

News 31.01.2015

13:22The nucleus of the elementary H-atom is fixed in the cosmos. The electron moves outside of the nucleus in the 00-singularity (experimental values), but in the same situation inside the nucleus for the 11-singularity (analytical values) and on all other multiples of the elementary length of the elementary lattice Lambda_g = 3,16227766*10^-26 m. The velocity is always the inverse analytical light velocity v = 3,16227766*10^-9 m/s. The optical, isochore expansion of the nucleus goes over the half diameter of the microcosm h_sq/2 = 10^-34 m/2. Both, the experimental and the analytical nature constants are constants, the first for the 00- and the second for the 11-singularity. One can imagine that by the holistic principle of time pressure for the tunneling of gravity (the groundstructure is always one path as asymptotical free motion) the filling difference between both is related to the conductivity of micro-black-holes for light in the quadrature of the circle of the wavespace (Ep-surface in the circlesquare) with multiple roots of c. This is the macroscopical falling velocity of the electron in the atomic orbit and depends on the angle of the micro-black-hole in the Cartesian space relative to the horizontal (analytical coupling constants for the four interactions). The gap between the experimental and analytical coupling constants can be closed as more accurately as better is understood the differential equation for wavefunctions along the vertical axis.

News 30.01.2015

- more details in the document contribution in google..pdf


- the gyromagnetic factor and the precise measurement enables the measurement of the verticality.


- light bundeling in the cosmos and self-lightening (picture)


- illustration of cosmical background radiation


The physics needs impressionism, colour quantization Q~ = N_colour•kB•T_M. Objects have a double character of colour. The first comes from the Colourcharge, which is real light, with spectral defolding towards the fourth space direction with decreasing entropy in direction of the star-dot-tube Gigastring 1, the objects are quantized in Colour pixels, and the second colour comes from the reflection, absorption and transmission of light in respect to the molecule properties in the object surfaces. I claim in accordance with artists that objects have also a self-lightening.

Objects have both self-lightening and lightening by external light influx. Light by selflightening is bundled by colour charges , which have the unmixable primary colours with white light and high entropy. The light comes froms from the low-entropic colour charges of the objects with the whole colour- and entropy range, if all time pressure layers are considered together. The accumulation of singular discs in the cosmos or another more specific singularity (f.e. earth, electron gas, Ca-atom, rainbow, teddy bear) goes hand in hand with the bundling and propagation of light in different force layers with energy E and wavelengths Lambda.


- to the Gigastring 2

The whole space of the universe is interlaced between the 10^136 cosmos and hence the same number on nuclei. This why colour charges are everywhere. They are invisible in the lower 0-singularity (appear as the black sky. Has nothing to do with subtractive colour mixing) and visible as the surface colours of objects with a certain range of entropy, work- and heat-entropy. The Gigastring 2 is described by a backwards Interpretation of the general relativity theory as an object that is the same or not the same as its mirror image in the mirror of the bath room, with particles and antiparticles of mirror- image and real picture for the two cases, falling as spiral into a micro-black-hole between 0-meter-singularity in the parallelcosmos and 1-meter-singularity in our cosmos and falling upwards as spiral (isobar) through the macroscopical nucleus to the same 0-meter-singularity over the border of the cosmos, along the border over the 0-point of the universe (circlesquare point left above).


News 27.01.2015

News 26.01.2015

By far i had to cheat to bit. I am not sure by far if it is nevertheless allowed to change the foresign under the root to prevent negative numbers under the root for singular velocities higher 1 m/s. The diagram shows the light wavelength Lambda for the range of the fifth singular velocity.

News 05.01.2015

All experimental values are regarding the SI-unit-standartization correct


The mass of 1 kg and charge of 1 Coulomb are also natural by the physical situation in the moment when the inventor of the standard mass that followed to nuclear values of masses has defined it. The physical basis standartization is to the last decimal place after the comma correct by the quantum-cosmological-historical mode conversion. It is due to the general application. The standard mass of 1 kg is non-relativistic and can be used also for the Giga-space. It is related on the surface of 1 m^2 of the flat space, which equals 1 Joule with Ghostparameter M/t^2. For example the rest mass of the earth is a flat disc (singularity) under the earth bowl in 4 space dimensions.

It has to be mentioned that the length of a meter that is standartized in the scientific world is not valid for the Giga-space (in this case independent on coupling, means gravity and electromagnetism). The deviation is 299792458/316227766 = 1,0548.

The basis question, which must be solved was if this 1 meter (as 1-meter-singularity/1,0548, standard reference frame/1,0548) is this known distance or if not a meter was a totally else distance, maybe of the A1 highway.

Everything is correct with the experimental physics regarding the SI-units

What we don't know is that the length of a meter or another (wrong) standardisation is the spiritual hold of all humans, not only physicists. The meter is natural and the basis for all other considerations in the space. The same is for the second regarding the time. Meter and second are correct, because of quantum-cosmological-historical conversions of the dark energy (dark energy is a physical term). It means that as wider the consequeces of a new knowledge are, as more precise they are regarding the micro-macro-coupling, the butterfly effect or for the more general consideration morphological fields (by Rupert Sheldrake, are in the time pressure theory singularities). The spiritual hold on this basis SI-units must be changed in the sense that the reference frame is extended by one more. This is the 0-meter-singularity, which is the 1-meter-singularity in the parallel-cosmos.

News 02.01.2015

A new function type: The nature function. Derived from the analytical nature constants with the singular fifth velocity. Comparing with the e-function. It is the real function for the shape of Jennifer Aniston, my love No. 8.

News 28.12.2015

Coupling between:

M: M-Theory
E8: E8-Theory
SH: Stephen Hawking

Sorry, but there is still a root to much in the Lorentztransformation. I have to remove it.
In the modified Lorentztransformation is no second too less. I have ignored the virtual second. This is underlying ok, because the virtual time is non-existing, but one must understand as reader what is behind the equation and in the dark energy. For this the ghostparameters should be always written down.

The 8 factors (gluons as formulas) in the four main equations for quantum gravity on the right side are function of the 5x5 motion matrix for the Gigaspace (see below). It is related on the Wick's theorem. In the matrix are the four energies, but as products they may have at highest the exponent 2 (E^2) and the distances may be at highest generate X^4, because there are only four space dimensions. Then X^4 can be over filling a distance 1/Lambda and E^2oE^2 = E^2 = E*Ghost{E} = E^2*(1/E) = E. The result of the matrix is then always F = E/Lambda.

The plus and minus signs can be exchanged by arbitrary foresign thereby that the superstring is a path (curve) through the Hilbertspace and the direction decides over the parity, if it is positive or negative. That there are summands has the reason that levers in the superstringtheory for the two cosmological directions (horizontality) and the two microscopical directions (verticality) hang as quartet like a feng shui mobile under other crosses in the room and there are springs between. Each quartet is a force F and for the energy state E in the middle it is the universal force. One can see that it is simplified thereby that there are 25 components in the matrix and one is the stress energy momentum tensor and they follow to the 8 components in the four main equations. The 5×5-matrix is Albert Einstein's field equation with the 2 Gigastrings, one is a loop over the gravitational force G*Ghost{} and the other from Tmünü to the space-time-curvature left.
News 23.12.2015
The energy of the whole universe is a chessbord with 10^34*10^34 fields. This lattice is the flat space , on which the light always moves with constant analytical velocity c = 316227766 m/s (c = 299792458 m/s deviates because of coupling on gravity and electromagnetism in the dark energy). The moved object from which the light is emitted has another energy than the universe thus a time-pressure-layer with less squares inside. Nevertheless both layers, of the object and the universe, have the same prime time second as side length. This is quantumoptical and follows to the optical, isochore expansion of the Cartesian space.
What i mean is that the light must be observed as defolded (photons = elementary time in a photon = 1 s) as larger is the observed distance and at once it is constant.

The light velocity c is a value also for the group velocity c = cG = 10^-11 <=(10^A$B)^1/B <=10^11 with A = 3 and B = 4 for the light velocity. Imagine the exponent as the other side of the alien perspective.

(AB)_0 (c) + 11•N = 11•10^136
(AB)_0 (c) - 11•N = - 11•10^136

10^(+AB) = 1 s = 1 m = 1 N
10(-AB) = 1 s = 1 m = 1 N

not infinity. Too little

The proportional and indirect proportional velocity (Newton) to the distance have values lower than 10-11 m/s, because by the hyperfinestructure generation by cooling in direction of the absolute zero point the scale between two points of the group velocity is transformed to small values of the light velocity regarding the perspective on the atom from the singularity (here or there) and here or there regarding the question is the light beam in the mirror or in front of it. The mirror is the wavespace.

Physical the last calculation is the defolding of high entropic light to low entropic light between the Schwartzschildradius of micro-black-holes (empty space) and the Schwartzschildradius of the nucleus. Energy recycling system of high entropic radiation uptaken by the empty space with entropy as the recycled property. The cosmical background radiation is the radiation overflow. The amount of constraint force F = L•S that can be uptaken by the space is lower than the input flux from the galaxies. Constraint force is recycled to asymptotical free force by universal micro-macro-coupling F = E/Lambda (formula of everything in physics).
The optical isochore expansion belongs to a constant energy density for an increasing distance per second, which is increasing velocity, but it is constant velocity related on an absolute increasing time t for the Cartesian coordinate system between minus and plus infinity. It is the past that is the minus-axis and the future is the positive axis. The whole distance between minus and plus infinity is one second. Time t is space. The quantum information space is the eternity, because the velocity is infinitessimal small and infinitessimal large at once. There is no future and there is no past in the sense that the past and the future and here in this moment in any physical property. This has nothing to do with a relative time and that the begin of the universe is still now as the past event, but the time point is still present in the now. Each point of time from the past to the future is always a present property in the quantum information space, which is singularity in each point of the space.

News 22.12.2015

- Contributions in google +..pdf  (entropy equals moment of inertia, flow of momentum (Werner Maurer) for the 00-singularity (, daily grind structure, thermal equilibrium), flow of force for the hyperspace (11-singularity). Physics of the flows in the rotor of a perpetuum mobile motor bridged over the 01-singularity (micro-macro-coupling, surface of an object has as circle the diameter Lambda).


For the perpettum mobile motor there is the quantum-mechanical perspective for the Giga-space (term for the layer, which is not the daily-grind-structure and not the numerical consideration of analytical nature variables. This term combines the cyclic main daily-grind-structure (Gigastring 2, 0-singularity), the main hyperspace (Gigastring 1, 1-singularity), the 01-, 11- and 10-singularity.

News 21.12.2015

News 19.12.2015

- added information in contributions in google+..pdf

- quantization of the photon and application on the trifid nebula.

News 17.12.2015

- have inserted new video lectures about the four main equations for quantum gravity

News 15.12.2015

For each electromagnetic field can be calculated singularities, which are energy surfaces.

The electromagnetic wave spectrum beside the field is expressed as a number of frequencies for circles, in which the amplitude rotates. With the Fourier transformation is calculated the finestructure and hyperfinestructure for the same entropy level. The cyclic spectral line follows to the redshift z = 10,8.

In the time pressure theory there is for this square-circle-pair (01- and 00-singularity) a main squaric singularity beside (1-Gigastring), which generates the causality for this transformation. This is a surface in the dark energy with the energy E. It is the energy E inside the elementary oscillation of a spring with constant universal force. This follows to the new law for redshift for the Gigaspace. It is a linearity for a photon that travels once through the isochore, optical expanding Cartesian cosmos. To this belongs the redshift for a single photon zs = 0,768. Between both, the hyperfinestructure observed behind the wave package (spectral line) for the total entropy 1 of the incoming light and the Gigafinestructure (the hyperstructure behind the outgoing light with the entropy 2) is a quantumoptical transformation in the E-Ep-phasespace respectively micro-black-holes. By the analysis of this one will discover four more spin-directions in the outgoing light, which comes over dark energy in zero time. The Cartesian light as a macroscopical wave through the whole cosmos follows thereto that we see the present not the past of the things in the world. The hyperfinestructure observed on the earth belongs not to the same causality as the hyperfinestructure on the far star. It must be observed the Gigafinestructure of the incoming light by rotating light fields to get the hyperfinestructure for the outgoing light for a far star.

News 14.12.2015

News 10.12.2015

- 2 Video lectures: about uncertainty and relativism for the alternative physics Bubblemechanics

News 09.12.2015

Alternative physics for the production of infinite energy out of the phenomenological nothing and the UFO technology in the 12 dimensional Hilbert space

News 08.12.2015

News 07.12.2015 10:17


The formula of everything F = E/Lambda follows to the first law of thermodynamics, whererby both heat and work are divided by the two elementary wavelength lambda 1 and lambda 2.


These both wavelength are the X-axis and Y-axis in the two-dimensional Hilbert space, while the energies E and Ep are the other both X and Y- axes. The hypotenuse is the free energy. The force is the circumference. Therewith can be calculated paths throught the 12 dimensional phasespace for quantum gravity.

News 05.12.2015  - change of the four main equations for quantumgravity for Fu and F_mm

News 27.11.2015

There are two main Giga-strings in the universe as flux tubes and connection for the causalities. The first one is a loop with G of the field equations by Einstein as a point of complexity on this loop. The other one is a loop with the left of Einsteins field eq. and right term are points of com­plexity. The first one goes over the colour in the nucleus over the graviton to the high-entropic ra­diation uptaken by the space for recycling after it had been emitted by the sun. The rotation of the vector potential equals zero belongs also to this first Giga-string. The second Giga-string between the space-time curvature left and the field of the space-time right goes in the loop over the princi­ple of the reunion of matter and antimatter to photons and counterwise to and back from neu­trons. This is the folding and defolding of torus to cube and backwards by the vanishing of the hole in the torus as the mathematical result of the unsymmetry between an electron that runs once around and the other once throught the cosmos. This is the optical isochore expansion and there­with the transport of dark energy and of dark matter. The last is the potential of the second mi­cro-black-hole between a given shape of fields and the cubic space as field.The arise and vanishing of particles appear in the Giga-string 2 where are fillings also in the physics for the 0-0-singulari­ty as arise and decay parameters. There is the Quantumelectrodynamics with operators and eigen­values for it to describe the interacti­on between two virtual particles each interfering with the both quasi-particles, which are the pho­ton-electrons in the Giga-string over the gravitational va­riable. This is a new quantum-jump that is not one of the other 3 by Einstein. The particles arise during the path through the quantum-informa­tion-space and are ready in the nuclei in atoms of the many parallel cosmos. On the other hand par­ticles arise, this is the same but from another point of view, after the high-entropic radiation was uptaken by the micro-black-holes and conver­ted to gravitons, then to photons (literature) and to matter. The quantum-information space is un­der the quantum-mechanical wavespace withprobabi­lities as random aspect. That probabilities are random is. because the extremal complex reality of the letters of the Gauß's normal distributi­on, which consists of molecules and photons, is caused by the complexity of variables with general validity. There is always an equility sign and the probabili­ty P stands always on one of the both sides. On the other side is something else. The average value is behind the probability. The P-side is thereby a random in the sense that f.e. the value P = 0,5 has no line in the universe as force. With the wavefunction with energy amplitude and euler-function and the two directions of wave pro­pagations in the 0-singularity and in this exponent there are real, natural lines in the Hilbert, Car­tesian or Euclidean cosmos.

News 26.11.2015

News 24.11.2015

News 23.11.2015

Hyperspace (main 1-singularity) is permitted and natural invested simplification for a result, which a more complicated calculation calculates by far or is not able to do it. The more complicated calculation of the physics is for the future a puzzle piece for another result. F.e. general relativity theory of Einstein --> velocity of objects, future: general relativity theory by Einstein --> Cosmological quantum optics, Time pressure theory: velocity of objects in a simpler more linear calculation in the Hilbert space.


We should take telescopes in the best case as possibility to verify the results and not to use them as basis for results. This would simplify the physics.


- Pixel colour of a far star for the 1-singularity of the main 0-singularity (lower 0-singularity) --> take the electromagnetic coupling constant for the 1-singularity of both main-singularities (along micro-black-hole, time direction, inclined arrow in the diagram) as function of the pixel-colour of the star that is observed with the telescope --> Calculate the entire row of values in the energy table. 


- Determination of the optical seize of the far star, depends on the distance. For the sun it can be measured with a ruler.

- Calculation of the values in the energy table

- Using of the law (E/Lambda)_far star = (E/Lambda)_incoming light

- (M*a)_star = hc/(Lambda_obs*Lambda)

   Lambda_obs: the observed wavelength for the redshift observation


News 20.11.2015

In the document illustrations and drawings.pdf

News 19.11.2015

The main singularities in the time pressure theories as further reality to superstrings:


- upper 1-singularity: c^4/t^3 = 1 Newton --> gravitational variable G, antigravitatational variable

  (Coulomb constant as constant in time direction, variable in space direction)

  (hyperacceleration, anti-hyperacceleration, 2 star-dots, 2 irregular force rectangles (2x4 forces), Motion, force structures in the       

  diagram of everything, --> motion                                          

- 1-singularity: squares and roots of 10^34 follow to analytical values)

0-singularity (mathematics follows to all experimental values)


- lower 0-singularity: with Einstein's equations locations and momenta for objects depend on

   descriptions for something physical curvature) and there are easier calculation methods in the

   time pressure theory for these location as properties in the lower 0-singularity. Second micro

   black hole (Thrusting of 2 micro-black-holes/Giga-strings):

   field macrocosm, field microcosm, field dark energy

       ---> In the universe there are vector structures of forces as first origin in the diagram of

                everything, which is each possible space in the universe and it is maximal needed the

                2D-E-Ep-phasespace to describe everything for the 1- and 0-singularities and the

                transformations between. A geometry of force vectors inside has the meaning of a

                physical and universal map. One can draw everything inside what is wanted, f.e. the

                Louvre. The axes are then valid for the Louvre and for the surrounding, which

                completes the cube-bowl. The Louvre can be chosen as a point in the cube and only the

                surrounding is considered. The 2D-diagram can show a 3D world, like on a painting of

                Leonardo da Vinci. Here the angles become relevant. Force-structures become a

                simplification of very complex problems in a diagram of everything. Force structures are

                reduced to two irregular rectangles --> shape of nature objects

                - the whole singularity: F = E/λ  (body includes shape and motion)

                      s*t^3 - s*t^2 - s*t - s - s/t - s/t^2 - s/t^3  are quantitative and qualitative the same

                      Each parameter is force by bright B{}, quasi Q{}, dark D{} and virtual V{}

                      parameters, which gauge on force. This is true, although i must smile


News 19.11.2015

Landé formula as second scaling for the the number 2 beneath pi

The number 2 is not valid for the singularity, where everything depends only the pure substances, not on its divisions. For this i have removed for the 1- and 0-singularities as basis for the hyperspace in the conventional formulas the 2's, 4's and pi's.

News 18.11.2015

News 18.11.15

- pdf-document about 0-singulaities as morphogenetic fields (Sheldrake)

morphogenetic fields: correlation between events, which happen at different places at once without spatial dependency between the events (wheather, general shapes of proteins, populations of animals, normalized behaviour as physical expression)

Matter and Antimatter and the change of mass and charge and between qubits and microscopical giga-masses (Wimps)

Antimatter is as much in the universe as matter, but it is only visible the matter, because one particle and one antiparticle are together an iceberg, whereby the antiparticle is mostly under the surface, it is then dark energy, or counterwise.

Charges and masses are not properties within the particles, but distances in the circle-square. The following circlequare has the following properties, but it can be turned and bent in all possible ways. Nevertheless the principle works for all configurations:

- above left is matter and below right is antimatter
- an arrow left belongs to an arrow right (straight line)
- one mass M is is higher than 1 and the other lower. One charge Q is higher than 1 and one charge lower. This counts for left and right.
- there is one M or Q nearer and the analogue Q and M farther away from a horizontal or vertical line. The one that is nearer belongs to the line, the other to the end point of the line and also to the line on the other side of the horizontal.
- there are lever systems of large and small masses and large and small charges
- hold on your breath. It gets explosive. It must be explained the question and discussed, whether the free-energy-machine can destroy the cosmos and whether the military can produce antimatter for the same insane purpose by the knowledge of my theory although free energy is going to be solve all our global problems and although we need antigravity for the protection against asteroids. There is no possible future scenario without high technology. Regarding the bombs, No and yes and No. Yes, because the military builds nuclear bombs and nuclear bombs are antimatterbombs. No, because the motion of each object here in the cosmos is partly antigravity and our planet is by far not exploded. The thing is we have to know everything, also the physical basics of fire, because it is needed to understand the risks and how it must be constructed. One cannot say i want only understand attraction and repulsion, because repulsion is too dangerous and repulsion is the physical basis for explosions, not those of Schauberger. I can only guess that repulsion of positive and positive or negative and negative charges hangs together with the quantumjump for the emission of gammafucks (photons) in nuclear bombs and attraction belongs to the antiquantumjump for the quasiparticle-virtual particle-interaction for the micro-macro-coupling in the free energy. Then we have a macroscopic elementary charge of the macrobody and should harm nobody, because the energy E=Q*U is tiny then. A further issue is the availability of antimatter regarding two thinkable matter-antimatter-conversion-principles. Either charge is on the horizontal, then the current flows in the space, what i think is the decidened line for repulsion and attraction is decidened for the free energy and antigravity. The good thing is, what it is to be proved, that the small anticharges, partners of charges are decoherent, somewhere in the universal 1-singularity and the microscopical partner of this partner with the charge is also in the 0-singularity, but for the annihilation of both it would need the 1-singularity-repulsion with constraint forces. Beneath, the repulsion term of Schauberger is the 0-singularity-repulsion. However, the contruction of an antimatterbomb with the techniques of the free-energy (increase of the macroscopical temperature) should not be possible and also the explosion of a free energy motor by its conversion to antimatter and the contact with matter, because therefore must be known the position of each partner positron in the universe (Mario Brunkhorst).


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