Whole singularity is the micro-macro-coupling. It is the formula of everything, which is the highest point in the theory.

The whole singularity is a view over everything without to separate it in a lot of different pieces.

In the bowlcube a bowlcube inside can mean an atom, a planet, a star, a galaxy or a cosmos in the universe.

In the wohle singularity it is meant equal values for all in the same macroscopical photon.

Star dot theory: Gigastring 1 (1-singularity)


Explanation of the origin of motion. Isochore, optical expansion: Gigastring 2 (0-singularity), expanded from a circle to a square


Force/Energy-recycling in the cosmos with the entropy as recyceled property.


The whole singularity: F = E/Lambda




The four main equations for quantum gravity


Nature function with discontinuity place. Imagaginary and real part


The 5th singular velocity:


The electromagnetism of the modified Maxwell-equations are for the whole force-energy-range of the universe. This why they describe the EM-coordinatesystem, on which the macroscopical resonance-wavelength is coupled over the time pressure layers. The generalisation of the E8-structure is the micro-macro-coupling for the Gigaspace. The hc in the denominator is variable for the verticalities and horizontalities of the microstructure of matter in correlation with the time pressure layers. The micro-macrocoupling for the two-bit-singularities with the Compton-wavelength is valid as 00-singularity if the rest energy with the inverse light velocity for the microcells in the T-layers for E in the the energy table is zero. Then for example a human has photon character for the 0-singularity.


The force and energy of the singular Higgs-field makes the fifth singular velocity by the verticality h' in the nominator infinite finite high and zero. This is the seesaw that balances between non-existance and infinity.


0-------1-------00 (infinity)


v_s = c^3•h'/Lambda^2•P


1/c_a <= v_s <= c_a
c_a = 4√(10^34) = 316227766 m/s
(1-singularity of the whole singularity. We live in the singularity).


E = M•v_s^2


The group velocity belongs to the singular velocity and the light velocity in time and space to the group velocity.


We get E = 0 also for the energy-table of the whole singularity (whole singularity 2. order. 1. Order means the forces. I have changed the 1. and 2. by a mistake in any posting before).


M_m,M•(1/c_a)^2 =


F = E_m/Lambda = M_m•(1/c_a)^2
- (M•v_G^2/Lambda_c_red)


F = E_U/Lambda = (M_U•c^2 - M•v_G/Lambda_c_red)


Empty Cubes and bowls are fields (theory: redshift for the Gigaspace. Gigaspace as complexity border to classical whole singularity)


Energy table connects between the four interactions.


Experimental physics meets time pressure theory at the same bowl (Event horizon of a black hole)


Physics of a mirror in the bath room: The mirror is a 3D space in the circle square. As well as the world in front of the mirror as well as the world in the mirror have supersymmetric partners under the floor. The particle-character and the space-character of mirror-image and image in front of it depend on a physical transformation for the two cases: Falling into a black hole to a parallel cosmos between 1-meter-singularity (circlesquare: middle) and 0-meter-singularity as 0-point (exists in a vertical line) in the parallel cosmos (circle-square: middle above or below) and antigravitational soaring as asymptotical free motion (each motion, but with 2 types of masses) between 1-meter-singularity and 1-Joule-singularity (border of the cosmos. Circle-square: middle: left or right, 0-point of this cosmos existing as the end of the horiontality (line)).


Group velocity between 10^-11 m/s and 10^11 m/s in the number circle (for the Gigaspace) for (10^A$B)^C. A$B = 34 is the starting point and is increased and decreases in two number directions with 11. C is increased always with 1 and starts with B = C = 4. This is the analytical light velocity. The function tends against 10^11 m/s in the one and 10^-11 m/s in the other direction. The group velocities play a role in the relativism-certainty-relation for the calculation of pi and in the motion of electrons on the Bohr-radius as line in the 11-singularity and photons on the ground-lattice. The thrusting of micro-black-holes explains the transformation of the 01-singularity to a cicle by the 0-singularity and the 10-singularity to a square by the 1-singularity. This is the photonal transformation between 0- and 1-singularity. The Hamilton function H = EKin + Epot is transformed to the energy E'_Giga = M'*c^2 = p^2c^2 + M0^2c^4)^1/2 and the Lagrange function L = Ekin - Epot to the uncertain Planck energy Ep' with the Lambda dependent relativistic and uncertainty-transformation in the singular main equation (four main equations with modified Maxwell-equations). Thereby the analytical light velocity is inverse in the energy-table.


Quantisation of the universe as force is the quantitative basis for the folding of a 12-dimensional body, in which motion is a property. It is a special photon in the universe, which is each particular body. A men, a woman. Both move in a classical way as particle through the universe. This is oscillation. Two singular ways. Two lives with beginning and end.


Mobile: 0160-91788794




Mail: Mario.Brunkhorst@gmx.de